Gender differences in success in solving problems reflect the characteristics of each sex.

Gender differences in success in solving problems reflect the characteristics of each sex.

Posted by aperez | May 11, 2020 | Blog

Gender differences in success in solving problems reflect the characteristics of each sex.

Yes, girls have an advantage in selectivity and attention. They focus on speed, the guys – on accuracy. Boys work better with new ones, and girls – with old template incentives. Girls also predominate in the “communicative mind.”

Gender differences in memory are related to the nature of the material to be memorized and the age of the respondents: in verbal memory there is either a predominance of girls from the age of three, or no differences; in the memory of objects and their spatial location – or the absence of differences, or the predominance of boys; in figurative memory – or the absence of differences, or the predominance of boys; in the comparison of names and pictures – the advantage of girls. Boys memorize technical material better than verbal, and girls memorize both equally well.

Regarding general intelligence, the absence of gender differences between respondents is most often observed. However, the general intelligence of boys has a clear structure, and the intelligence of girls is poorly integrated.

In terms of language skills, most characteristics show the predominance of girls, who are more characterized by clear articulation, they have a rich vocabulary, high level of language development and language skills, language decoding, correct associations, meaningful language comprehension, natural psycholinguistic abilities , verbal intelligence in intellectual tests and high reading scores.

The advantage of girls in mathematical abilities, the absence of gender differences in computational abilities, the advantage in arithmetic problems, boys – in the field of computing. The girls were found to have “mathematical anxiety”, which affects their low performance in this subject.

Studies of emotionality show that girls have a higher level of anxiety, the great importance of the connection of emotions with interpersonal relationships, high sensitivity to negative life events in friends and relatives, depression is more common. Boys and boys are characterized by a desire to hide their emotions, especially negative ones, emotional restraint and stricter regulation by society to demonstrate emotional experiences.

Self-esteem is more stable in boys than in girls. Guys build a more powerful defense of their self-esteem. These gender differences are influenced by the following factors: the degree of openness in the relationship, the reaction to feedback, the stress associated with relationships with loved ones, and protective mechanisms (compensatory behavior, strategies of self-presentation and self-reinforcement).

From preschool to adolescence, boys and girls do not differ in the level of motivation for learning and success, demands for grades. Girls are dominated by task orientation, boys – personal orientation (to interact with peers); the focus on interaction with adults is the same in both sexes. In general, neither sex is more interested than the other in the activity itself, nor in the awards and approvals associated with it. At the same time, girls outperform boys in achieving real success in school throughout their studies.

Boys show an advantage in the following types of dominance: aggressive (both for boys and for girls), selfish, in the form of Machiavellianism (a more rude version of manipulation). They make more attempts to dominate children and adults and consider themselves the more dominant sex. They also dominate in mixed sex groups. Girls are characterized by prosocial dominance (3-6 years), dominance in same-sex couples (2-6 years) and a thinner form of Machiavellianism. Girls also show “counterdominance” (unwillingness to obey), but only in relation to peers of both sexes, and not in relation to an adult.

Sex differences in aggression are among the most persistent since childhood. Boys outperform girls in overt physical aggression, and girls are more likely to resort to covert verbal aggression.

In kindergarten and school, girls outperform boys in terms of objective performance and interest in classes, but teachers and educators either consider both sexes to be the same or prefer boys.

Gender differences in the effectiveness of group activities are influenced by the characteristics of the task, motivation and gender structure of the group. The characteristics of the tasks include creativity, individual or group method of calculating the contributions of participants, the form of decision-making, personal abilities, reflection of male / female interests through the demonstration of masculine / feminine behavior. Gender differences in success in solving problems reflect the characteristics of each sex.

Leadership performance studies show equal effectiveness of leaders of both sexes or the superiority of boys, very rarely the superiority of girls. The assessments of girls-leaders are significantly influenced by gender stereotypes, as well as the attitude of teachers. Leaders’ research demonstrates the relationship between their productivity and the gender structure of the group. Both boys and girls as leaders are more productive when working with members of the same sex.


When organizing the educational process in high school, the teacher must take into account certain features, namely – the influence of socio-cultural factors (stereotypical behavior of participants in the pedagogical process); school environment (public, parents); the presence of discriminatory accents in the educational literature; the ability to take into account the gender approach through interdisciplinary links, the impact of their own gender position on the development of students’ personalities.

The results of research have shown that the behavior of parents and teachers in the process of socialization of children is differentiated on the basis of gender: boys are given more opportunities than girls to solve problems on their own. For girls, the emphasis is on obedience, responsibility and hard work, for boys – on the pursuit of achievement, competition and self-reliance. If a child does not do what is expected of his or her sex, he or she is teased, ridiculed, reprimanded, and sometimes corporal punishment is used. In a society where women are less economically dependent, the tendency to raise girls in obedience and obedience is correspondingly less pronounced.

The traditional stereotype of education through the influence of family, media, teachers, schools, advertising, peers forms the role orientations, values ​​and psychological qualities of boys and girls.

Thus, in the way of life of a particular society, the differences between the sexes are often either exaggerated or leveled. According to scientists, in modern socio-economic conditions, the most flexible behavior in society is androgynous, which absorbs the best of both sexual roles and has a positive effect on the social and psychological state of man.

Authors: O. Tsokur, I. Ivanova


I educate by means of literature

What should a modern student look like? What ideal should a vocabulary teacher strive for in his / her educational work? All subjects of the curriculum, each in its own way, enrich students, shape their feelings and beliefs. But literature belongs to those subjects that have the greatest educational impact

Art has a beneficial effect only on those who understand and feel it deeply. Our duty is to teach students to understand and love the beautiful, to open their souls to the beneficial effects of art. The requirement to educate children in the perception of art is not new. She also knew the methods of the past, but today every teacher has to develop even more responsibly in young people noble noble qualities through fiction.

Vocabulary lessons should give young people joy and inspiration. How to achieve this? First of all, through the discovery of the richness and beauty of the art of speech. And here is the conclusion: it is necessary to teach children to read. It is not about the elementary technique of reading, but about the ability to delve into the work, to comprehend the depth of its content, to admire its beauty. Sometimes the teacher nullifies the emotional perception of what the children read. Yes, the program focuses on one or another side of the studied work. Students must understand all aspects of the work. But they do not have to memorize these formulations like mathematical rules or physical laws. And it is absolutely unacceptable that this should be done in isolation from the artistic text. Have students read the work, reflect on the life depicted in it, respond to the writer’s excitement. Then they themselves will say what phenomena of life are reflected in the work, what thoughts are expressed in it.

Our task is to teach children to perceive and comprehend a work of art as an art form. And this cannot be done without admiration, without a joyful feeling of beauty, without heartfelt excitement, which would be passed on to children. Reading is designed to give children hedonistic pleasure, to make them happy and excited. Thus, in literature classes, an expressive reading of passages of poetic and prose works, which were especially liked and most worthy of the ideological and aesthetic characteristics of the work, should take its rightful place. An art word that is read by heart should be heard in literature classes. And here the model will be the teacher. The more he knows by heart works of art, the more students value his lessons.

Emotionality must make children friends with literature and help them learn the riches of spiritual culture. However, some emotions are not enough. The feeling becomes meaningful and deep when it is illuminated by consciousness. And in the perception of a literary work. Let the students not only indulge in feelings, but also think about the work, think about the phenomena of life depicted in it, compare, contrast, draw conclusions about what and how is depicted in the work. It is necessary to outline the main lines of studying a work of art.

Perception of the work through independent reading or listening, mostly emotional. Here the imagination of students, figurative thinking is activated, pictures, scenes and episodes painted by the writer are reproduced in their consciousness. This is a mandatory and necessary condition for mastering the work. It is inadmissible to have any conversations about the work without reading it. Comprehension of what is read, reflection on it. In other words – it is the analysis of the work, when the conceptual thinking of students is activated, but certainly with the support of emotional perception, figurative thinking.

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